
Leadership Packages

We offer products and services ranging from bespoke consultancy to conferences, from interactive master-classes to tailored day-courses, from online assessments for your leaders and organisation to ongoing partnered leadership development using Action Coaching and/or Influence Coaching. All learning is grounded in research and applied use and delivered by a qualified and certified consultant.

Your leaders and teams will be able to see leadership, drive high performance and be able to frame and solve issues correctly – and that is essential in establishing ‘What’s really going on’? In sum, your leaders and teams will practice ‘Authentic Leadership: Courage in Action.’

We have learned from experience that an effective approach to learning and maximising your positive outcomes and ROI is to undertake programmes one day a month with small cohorts e.g. twelve to sixteen. This approach increases sustained learning and application in the workplace, brings greater interaction with participants and their daily challenges, and generates better cohort participation.

“All learning is grounded in research and applied use and delivered by a qualified and certified consultant.”

Train The Trainer Programme – Coming in 2019

Leadership Eye

Case Studies

Action Wheel Leadership

Action Wheel Leadership The U.S. based highly experienced AWL Group leadership team, who provide mentorship, depth and reach-back. "Action Wheel Leadership's work is grounded in a strong ethical base, makes sense, and has practical application....

Packages are tailored to suit your requirement and budget

Tailored Packages - Case Study For example, a team from a FTSE 100 company had a three day foundation course (i.e. Bronze) interspersed with company briefs, supported by both individual and team Performance Preferences analysis, located at the...

Leaders... Take Action

The Exeter Group is a small, professional and personable action based consultancy with international experience delivering a group of initiatives and brands across the people spectrum of leadership, life and wellbeing.