Why Invest
Why invest in Authentic Leadership Development?
The UK is falling behind in terms of leadership and management capability.
Investing in and developing leadership has never been more important in order for businesses and organisations to thrive. It’s an investment worth making – improving organisational performance, sustaining employee engagement and building the organisation’s ability to adapt and thrive to changing circumstances.
The UK spends a vast sum on leadership development every year – billions of £. However, the return on investment is questionable and the standard of leadership across our private, public and third sectors needs to improve to meet the current and future challenges:
• Key to the UK’s drive for increased productivity is leadership and action – Sir Charlie Mayfield
• Key to fixing Britain starts with leadership – Lord Digby Jones
• Key to addressing the economy, productivity, education and skills is management and
leadership – Baroness Prosser OBE
• Key to bolstering the UK post-BREXIT is leadership – John Yates, Group Director, ILM
• Key to sorting out the NHS is leadership – Lord Rose
All businesses and organisations require authentic and resilient leadership that engages and aligns all employees and stakeholders.
“Key to bolstering the UK post-BREXIT is leadership – John Yates, Group Director, ILM”
Did you know?
Non-engaged employees outnumber engaged employees by nearly 2-1
The UK needs almost two million new managers by 2024 – who require educating and training in leadership
Company Directors' failings cause 56% of corporate failures
Of UK organisations say they lack good management & leadership skills
Disengaged employees and a lack of leadership and management cost the UK economy £64 billion every year
4/5ths of workers don’t think their manager sets a good moral example
Of UK managers are rated ineffective
UK managers are under-qualified and under-trained: only one in five are ‘qualified’ – hence the term ‘accidental managers’
Gallup, Department for Business Innovation & Skills (UK Gov), Chartered Management Institute (2012-17)
“Leadership is not induced heroics. Rather, it is the constant invitation to all of us to stay the course, to take the next steps on the journey, to create the future, to recognise and admit our own foibles and shortcomings. It is to take responsibility for ourselves in concert with others, seeking to create and build a global commonwealth worthy of the best that we as human beings have to offer. Anything less is not worthy of the effort. That is why leadership, at its heart, embodies authentic action.”
Dr Bob Terry, 1993
The Exeter Group is a small, professional and personable action based consultancy with international experience delivering a group of initiatives and brands across the people spectrum of leadership, life and wellbeing.